


Huna Article

Huna International

The Case Against Karma
by Serge Kahili King

In today's world, the word karma means many things to many people. In this article I am only going to discuss two aspects of it: the original meaning of the word, and the Hindu-based use of the word, which is the most popular and well-known.

First, the word karma comes from a Sanskrit word meaning "to act," and has taken on the meaning of "action." Sanskrit is the sacred language of Hinduism.

In Hindu philosophy, karma has come to imply "action and reaction" in a very particular sense. The ancient idea, still followed in Hinduism and some modern viewpoints is that any action has to have a reaction or, to put it another way, any action has to have a resolution. More to the point, no matter when the action occurred, it must have a resolution—in the past, the present or the future.

Essentially, if you did a good deed in another life a hundred years ago and didn't get the benefit of it then, it's possible that benefit could come to you somehow in your present life. Likewise, if you do a bad deed in your present life and nothing bad comes of it, you may well have the results slam you in a future life.

Supposedly, you can "work off" bad past karma in this life by doing lots of good deeds, and it's okay if you don't get the benefits in this life, because you surely will in some future life. To put it in current terms, you'll have to pay for your sins sooner or later, and you'll reap your rewards sooner or later. So, why the title? Do I have something against karma? Well, not exactly. I'm completely okay with the idea of action/reaction. That's easily demonstrable. You flick a switch and a light goes on. You touch a hot pot and you burn your finger. An earthquake occurs in Chile and a tsunami hits Hawaii. There are innumerable examples of action/reaction. My issue isn't with karma itself. It's with the whole past and future lives part. Also with the idea that any action must resolve in a particular way.

Let's start with the lives.
Many of us have recall of having been someone or done something in some place in the past. Some authors write so clearly and specifically about past events that it strongly implies they lived them. Some people have dreams about that, and some people in waking life have a sudden experience of recall when traveling to a particular place. The experience is real, and no amount of psycho-gibberish can explain it away. In some of my classes I even guide people to a time in the past when they were someone else.

Even so, I don't think we can travel back in time, because there's nothing there (see my article "It's About Time"). And I don't believe that deeds in a past life "must" or "can" resolve themselves in the present life. At the same time, I do believe in memories of the past that exist in the present, and that those memories can certainly have effects. What ruins the idea that memories "must" have particular effects is the fact that memories can be changed in ways that make potential effects disappear.

I have a hypothesis about past life experiences that I like a lot, and I admit that it doesn't qualify as a proper theory, but since all other ideas about past lives are hypotheses as well, I'll go ahead with it. My hypothesis is that past life experiences are based on DNA memory. In other words, in addition to our memories of this life, we also carry the memories of our ancestors. All of our ancestors. For various reasons (which means I don't know what they are) we tap into those memories on occasion, sometimes so vividly that we feel they are our own experiences. Actually, they are our own experiences--we own them now.

As for future lives, there isn't anything there either, yet. What we have in the present moment are expectations, anticipations, potentialities and probabilities, but nothing substantial at all. I like to think of the future as a kind of red carpet that keeps rolling out ahead of us, and when we stop, it stops. I don't think we come to an end, though. The thousands of lives I've lived in my dreams indicate, to me at least, that when I'm done with this life, I'll just slip over to another one, maybe as a baby, maybe as an adult. While still in this life, however, as in memories, I know that we can change outcomes by changing our expectations and anticipations, thereby changing our potentialities and probabilities. In simple terms, the future is not fixed in any way. Right now, it doesn't exist.

Now let's look at the resolution idea. It's one thing to say that a particular condition or situation in the present life is due to the resolution of a past deed, and it's quite another to prove that in any way at all. Be wary of those who claim to know this is the case, because they have no way of knowing. Whatever they say--or you think about it--is made up. Sure, you may tap into memories of some event that you can pin the blame on for your problem, but when you consider all the events you've experienced in this life plus all the events of your ancestors, picking out a single event as a cause doesn't make much sense.

What can be demonstrated as a fact is that the effects of memories from whatever source can be changed or eliminated, often in less than a minute. Since all we know of the past consists of memories, this means that what we call the past can be changed or eliminated. How? Read on.

I'm going to bypass the familiar ways of changing the effects of past events, like education, medicine, prosthetics, technology and more. Instead I'm going to mention less well known and often faster ways of changing mental, emotional and physical effects. The details of these techniques can be found in my books. Here I only want to bring them to your attention as ways of demonstrating how unreal the past really is. It's also important to note that not every technique will work for every person.

First, a very simple technique I call TFR, stranding for Think, Feel, Relax. In this case, you think/recall a past event that causes emotional distress, locate the distress in your body, relax that part of your body, and recall the event again. The effect of the recall will diminish, and sometimes disappear to the extent that the memory of the event is forgotten. Sometimes the process has to be repeated and sometimes the location of the distress will change, but the point is that the effect of a so-called past event will be eased or completely healed. And that's because it's only a memory.

Second is a technique called DMT, standing in this case for the Dynamind Technique. It's a little more complicated than the above, but very effective for many problems related to past events. It consists of a particular way of holding your fingers to get centered, a particular type of statement about the problem, locating a part of the body where the problem is expressed, a particular way of touching four points on your body, and a particular way of breathing. As with TFR, the process can be repeated. It has been used for a multitude of physical, emotional and mental problems, such as changing the effects of a stroke in record time, relieving guilt and grief, and helping to heal autism.

Third is a technique that sounds so impossible I call it the "Mindblower Technique" in one book, but more commonly the Repetition Technique. It is proof positive that the past, especially the immediate past, is a fantasy once it's over, not a place in time. It is most dramatically effective for injuries The basis process is so simple it's hard to believe. When you sustain an injury, you repeat actually or symbolically the same pattern of movement that caused the injury, but without completing the action. As an example, if you hit your thumb with a hammer, you immediately repeat the action without touching your thumb. Usually this is done over and over until any feeling of pain is gone, and usually this takes less than fifteen seconds. The more quickly you repeat the action with the changed ending, the more quickly the total healing occurs. That means, in the hammer and thumb case, no bruising and no swelling, as well as no pain. This technique has been used successfully with cuts, burns, doors closing on fingers and even broken bones, to name a very few.

As for the future, here's a very simple technique to show how unreal it is. Next time you have a precognitive dream or intuition, recall it, and with your imagination, change the outcome.

That's all it takes. The past is past and the future hasn't happened yet. The present is where our power is.

Copyright Aloha International 2021

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